Thursday, November 12, 2015

Introduction-Who I Am

Hi. Welcome to my blog-

That doesn't sound right, let's try this again.

Hi. My name is Zachary "Whitly" Perlmutter. I'm 25 years old at the moment, and I have way too much free-time on my-I'm bungling my intro, let's try once more.

Basically, I wanted to create a personal space for me and me only, kinda like a "rambling zone" of sorts. This is for personal and/or content specific stuff only, i.e. the material that won't fit on Infinite Rainy Day (you know, the site you probably know me best for.)

Anyway, some information about me:

Like I said, I'm 25 years old. I graduated from university in 2014 after 6 years of gruelling schedules and workloads. I majored in English and Jewish Studies, although the latter I almost changed to a minor at one point because it seemed tedious. (I opted against that.) Considering how hard it was to persevere, I'd say that was an accomplishment. Not surprisingly, given how articulate I am, I want to be a writer professionally at some point in my life.

I have Asperger's Syndrome and Tourette's Syndrome. I've known about the former since Grade 5 and the latter since high school. Both are tedious at times, but I've managed so far. I'm also Jewish, and heavily fascinated by Jewish themed anythings. Take that as you will.

Anyway, my hobbies include anything and everything nerdy, as well as the occasional politics. As you'll hopefully see in the near future, I ramble about everything that comes to mind.

I...guess that's it? Sorry for the lazy and short intro, I'm still figuring out what this blog's identity is supposed to be. Hopefully it won't take too long, however...

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